There are multiple events in Berkeley during our conference so hotel space may be tight if you don’t reserve early. Multiple AirBNBs are also available in the area.
Conference discount arrangements:
Hotel Shattuck Plaza in downtown Berkeley, a pleasant cross-campus 30-minute walk to the conference center, or 10 minutes by ride-share service. Use the link above to make reservations with the conference discount.
Graduate Hotel adjacent to the campus, 15-minute walk to the conference center. 15% discount for conference members.
10- to 15-minute walk from the conference center:
Bancroft Hotel (pictured above) (NOTE: As of 2/3/20 the Bancroft had some cancellations and has room available)
Claremont Hotel and Spa
15- to 20-minute walk to the conference center:
Rose Garden Inn (lovely bed & breakfast, limited space)
20- to 30-minute walk to the conference center:
Berkeley City Club An elegant architectural (Julia Morgan) landmark
Less expensive, Downtown Berkeley, about a 30-minute walk to the conference (10 minutes by ride-share):
Nash Hotel
Downtown Berkeley Inn
On the waterfront, too far to walk, about a 15-minute ride:
Doubletree Inn Berkeley Marina